Stardom: The A-List Wiki

This goal follows  Eye of the Cougar.

People Involved


It's time to film Cougars in the City! Arnie will call in 24 hours with the script.

  • Task Wait for call; film movie


Cougars in the City
(Property of Rising Star Studio)

Line 1: Girl, as your sassy care free neighbor, I have one thing to say to you:

Line 2: The only thing holding that dress up is fabric tape and a stiff breeze.

Time Limit: Time 8 Hours
Genre: Drama
Energy Used: Energy 130
Blue Stars: BlueStar1 125

Available Actions
Action Energy Cost Reward Achievement
film scene 1Energy 5Cash Professional
check the gate 1Energy 5Cash 1XP 7BlueStar1 Professional
have a coffee 1Energy 1XP 1BlueStar1 Caffeinated
rant about relationships 1Energy 5Cash 1BlueStar1 Comedic
grab a bagel 2Energy 2XP 1BlueStar1 Foodie
lighting check 2Energy 5Cash 1XP 2BlueStar1 Film Tech
sound check 2Energy 5Cash 1XP 2BlueStar1 Film Tech
look good 3Energy 5Cash 2XP 3BlueStar1 Vanity
take one 3Energy 10Cash 1XP 1BlueStar1 Professional
check makeup 4Energy 15Cash 1XP 4BlueStar1 Vanity
do a scene together 5Energy 10Cash 2XP 5BlueStar1 1Energy None
take two 5Energy 10Cash 2XP 3BlueStar1 Professional
take three 7Energy 15Cash 3XP 6BlueStar1 Professional
suggestive double entendre 8Energy 26Cash 2XP 7BlueStar1 Comedic

That's a Wrap!
Cougars in the City will premiere in 8:00:00.

5Stars: +500Cash +100XP

BList +900,000 fans

3Stars: +300Cash +60XP

Goal Reward

+80Cash +80XP

Following Goals

Film "The Life Sapling"
Hopeful Romantic
