Stardom: The A-List Wiki
Type Coffee House
Location Neighborhood
The Coast
The Hills
Level 2, 8 & 10
Dating Unavailable


Starbeans is a chain of coffee houses located on Cromptown in the Neighborhood, Pacific Beach Way in The Coast and Sunrise Ave. in The Hills. You can work shifts to earn Cashcash and XPXP at any of the Starbeans. Performing actions here will help to complete the Day Job and Caffeinated Achievements.

You can start a shift at the Neighborhood Starbeans by speaking to Tony. Both The Coast and The Hills Starbeans, you can start a shift by speaking to Warren.


Available Actions

Reward amounts are approximate.

Action Energy Cost Reward Achievement
order coffee 5Cash 1Energy 1XP 2Energy Caffeinated

Work Shift Actions

Energy, blue stars, and reward amounts are approximate.

Work Shifts
The Neighborhood Starbeans
Shift Length Energy Blue Stars
1 Hour
Working a Short Shift
30Energy 25BlueStar1
4 Hour
Working a Half Shift
65Energy 65BlueStar1
The Coast Starbeans
1 Hour
Working a Short Shift
35Energy 30BlueStar1
4 Hour
Working a Half Shift
65Energy 65BlueStar1
The Hills Starbeans
4 Hour
Working a Half Shift
60Energy 60BlueStar1
8 Hour
Working a Full Shift
100Energy 100BlueStar1
Work Shift Actions
daydream 1Energy 1XP 1BlueStar1 Day Job
cappuccino 1Energy 1XP 1BlueStar1 Caffeinated
clean bathroom 1Energy 1Cash 1BlueStar1 Day Job
hold breath 1Energy 1Cash 1BlueStar1 Day Job
scrub 1Energy 1Cash 1BlueStar1 Day Job
use espresso machine 2Energy 1Cash 1XP 1BlueStar1 Caffeinated
steam milk 2Energy 2Cash 1XP 1BlueStar1 Caffeinated
black coffee 2Energy 2Cash 1XP 2BlueStar1 Caffeinated
combine 2Energy 15Cash 1XP 6BlueStar1 Caffeinated
avoid customers 3Energy 5Cash 2XP 3BlueStar1 Day Job
espresso 3Energy 10Cash 1XP 3BlueStar1 Caffeinated
must wash hands 3Energy 15Cash 1XP 8BlueStar1 Day Job
Your shift is over.
The Neighborhood Starbeans
Shift Reward
1 Hour shift
5Stars: +40Cash +5XP
4 Hour shift
5Stars: +160Cash +20XP
The Coast Starbeans
1 Hour shift
5Stars: +40Cash +5XP
4 Hour shift
5Stars: +160Cash +20XP
The Hills Starbeans
4 Hour shift
5Stars: +160Cash +20XP
8 Hour shift
5Stars: +320Cash +40XP


The Neighborhood - The Coast - The Hills


By tapping certain objects, you will gain bonus CashCash, XPXP Points and EnergyEnergy. Tap on the rewards from these objects to shorten energy regeneration time. One reward cuts 5 seconds.

Image Object Name
MicrowaveOven Microwave Oven


The Neighborhood - The Coast - The Hills